Sunday, December 28, 2008


We keep hearing from teachers that they want to "see it" before they "do it," so we started collecting how-to videos moons ago. The plan is to shoot more more more....building equipment, preparing for trips, collecting data, identifying certain species, telling look-alike species apart, eating invaders....

I've just retrieved videos from the Flip in preparation for building kicknets and weed weasels for the spring field season. Here are a few from Mike Denniston (Middle School of the Kennebunks). I have others of giddy students actually using the nets, but can't post faces. Use your imagination.

We think its important for the videos to be made by members of the VS community
(motivating, accessible, real, la la la), so we'll be asking our student, teacher, and scientist types to shoot as often as they can in the early years. We're hoping teachers see how-to video production as a nice way for students to demonstrate learning.

How to build a kicknet that'll survive students & post-hurricane rapids for 9 years running:

How to keep equipment from clunking, crunching, and splashing:

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