Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gettin' tough on data entry

Gettin' tough on data entry

As the data entry wireframes shape up, we've had to make a few tough decisions:

1. No "Practice Data Entry" interface or separate website. It was a nice dream while it lasted. We've since convinced ourselves that practicing how to input data isn't really the learning we're after and slim chance it would improve data quality. Instead we'll encourage those who like practicing to do so with the paper form. Everyone else will just jump right in.

2. We're going to make everyone pick a species from the pulldown list. No unknowns. No write-ins. Use your brain, your resources, be brave, pick the closest species, back 'er up with evidence, and let the community do its magic. Our intended use is to go into the field armed with a known species to look for, and a hypothesis about whether it will be found or not, so this should work out just fine.

3. No more confidence ratings for species identifications. After polling and mulling, we're now sure that there's little if any learning in this very subjective rating process, and doesn't set novices up for any sort of success. Jenny Novice is "wicked sure" she found garlic reviewer says no way nicely)...Jenny Novice experiences a big and unfortunate bust in confidence.

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